Tips for healthy eating during the holidays
Even though our holiday gatherings will be smaller than usual, the delicious meals will still be on the table! Despite this joyous time of year, finding a compromise between enjoying yourself and preventing weight gain can create stress and anxiety for some people. Last Easter, I was in-between bodybuilding competitions and could not enjoy dinner the way I normally would, especially since my mom could COOK. However, I was going back on stage in a few weeks and indulging was not worth ruining my hard work. See the original Instagram post here. Regardless of your fitness goals, we can all benefit from mindful eating during the holiday season. Continue reading…
5 tips for managing your burnout today
Have you ever experienced burnout? You most likely have. According to a 2021 survey, over 50 percent of respondents stated that they were experiencing burnout. Within that group, about 67 percent believed that their burnout has increased due to the pandemic. Reasons for this are a lack of work-life balance, the pressure to work longer hours and less flexibility in scheduling and taking paid time off (PTO). After some reflection, I realized that I have experienced burnout several times during my teaching career. However, the worst experience was during the first year of the pandemic. During the initial shutdown, I had a hard time creating a balance between work and…
My favorite healthy pre-packaged snacks
Most of the time, I eat unprocessed or minimally processed foods for all of my meals including my snacks. Occasionally, there are times I need something that is easy to grab and go. Although pre-packaged snacks have a reputation for being unhealthy, there are a few hidden gems that will satisfy your hunger without destroying your diet. Continue reading to learn about my favorite healthy pre-packaged snacks.
Wearing an engagement ring while working out: 3 options
After my proposal (read here), I did not want to remove my ring for anything aside from showering. Realistically, would you want to take off a beautiful ring from the love of your life? However, I knew that wearing it during exercise was impractical and potentially dangerous. As much as I love my fiancé, I am not stopping my trips to the gym! After some thought and research, I determined that I had three options. Continue reading for my solutions to wearing your engagement or wedding ring to the gym.
How to improve post-workout recovery
When it comes to exercise, we often focus on the workouts more than the recovery afterwards. Although post-workout recovery can feel like a burden, taking the time to properly recover from your workouts can make a huge impact on your goals! Continue reading for some post-recovery tips that have worked for me.
3 healthy food swaps (+ snack ideas)
A common misconception about healthy eating is that it is hard to do. However, a few small changes in your diet can make a huge difference. When done consistently, these changes can help you reach your nutrition goals. These food swaps are not only good for you, they TASTE GOOD!
7 wellness tips for working from home
For the start of the school year, my school district is having most of its teachers and students working and learning virtually. Many of us are also continuing to work from home this fall. Although working from home has its advantages, it can be strenuous on the body physically and mentally. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy while working from home. 1. Take frequent breaks away from the screen. In between classes or after completing a task, I purposefully walk away from my computer and do something that avoids the use of my phone or television in order to give my eyes a break. If you cannot…
Working out in the gym after lockdown
Governor Cuomo FINALLY opened the gyms in New York State after six months! I was super excited to head back to the gym since New York was the first state to go close the gyms and the one of the last states to reopen. Although home workouts were working, the burn is not nearly as intense as a classic gym session. It was also good to reconnect with the frequent gym goers. However, the gym experience is vastly different now that it was in March. Continue reading for some tips in order to have a safe experience during your workout.
Dill and adobo potatoes
Before my first prep, I rarely ate potatoes aside from french fries. at one point during prep, we had to cut my calories down in order for me to get ready for my show in time. On the first day of my new macros, I was STARVING after eating lunch and was literally laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. Out of desperation, I reached out to my coach to see if he could help me. He told me to start adding potatoes into my diet. Although I wasn’t a huge fan, I had to do something. Luckily, my mom had made some batata and had some with my…
I’m engaged! My proposal story
Before our engagement, Chris and I have been dating for over five years. On August 9, 2020, Chris took me out for dinner at a seafood restaurant overlooking the Bayshore Marina in Long Island. I was excited considering this was going to be our first time dining in since the pandemic. Chris suggested that I “dress up” for the occasion, which I found strange since Chris normally prefers casual attire. Despite my suspicion that something was weird, I enthusiastically put on my new jumpsuit and we went out to dinner.