girl wearing face mask for self care
Work-Life Balance

Why self care is more than expensive face masks

Is self-care difficult to do?

Earlier this week, I read a post on a popular teacher website regarding self-care while teaching during this pandemic. Several of the things mentioned were accurate. During virtual teaching, I have experienced anxiety and burnout several times this year (read those posts here and here).

However, I personally found the post overly simplistic and unhelpful. Yes, we teachers are tired and being stretched further than before. But we also have control over how we take care of ourselves and we need to do better than complain about it.

In general, taking care of ourselves when we are being asked for so much is exhausting and difficult. However, self care is more than putting on a face mask and zoning out (if you enjoy that, no shade). Continue reading to learn about what self care actually is and how it can be done with the right outlook and strategies.

What is self care?

the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.

Oxford Languages

Essentially, this is something that you do to take care of yourself physically and mentally on a regular basis. Unfortunately, some people do not start taking care of themselves until they get sick, experience a mental crisis, or develop a chronic, but preventable disease. It should be something you enjoy and make you feel better, not worse.

Taking care of yourself is not a selfish act, it is essential for survival!

Why do people neglect self care?

Based on the above definition, self care appears to be an important for healthy living. However, there is a connotation that self care is optional or requires a large amount of money. There are a few reasons for viewpoint.

One possible explanation for this belief that self care is confused with self improvement. In my personal opinion, I believe that self care is neglected because of the “grind culture” in our current society. If you are not always working toward success, you are wasting time.

In addition, some professions are overburdened due to societal expectations. In education, for example, teachers and administrators feel compelled to consistently give everything to their students, even if it is killing them. When we continuously give without setting boundaries, this selflessness becomes an expectation we are forced to uphold.

How can we incorporate self care into our lives?

Once again, self care is something that recharges you and does not require a large amount of money or time. This activity should be planned ahead of time in order to benefit you. Although we do not have control over our work responsibilities, we have the power to decide how we spend our time in other aspects of our lives.

To get started, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do I feel right now? How do I actually want to feel?
  • What is one thing I can do today to take better care of myself?
  • How will I make time for this activity?

After you answer those questions, get to work! Over time, your needs may change with your situation. Like many things, self care is easier to do in small amounts on a daily basis instead of once or twice a week.

What are examples of self care?


  • getting enough sleep
  • eating a proper diet of nutrient dense foods
  • exercising
  • receiving appropriate medical care


  • making time for things you enjoy on a regular basis
  • doing things that inspire you
  • setting limits on what you can handle
  • managing stress levels


  • spending time with friends
  • maintaining relationships with family members

There is no right way to take care of yourself, as long as it helps you relax and does not do more harm than good. If you feeling burnt-out, check out a resource I created here. I personally like to exercise, practice the violin, bake and spend time with my family.


In summary, self care is an action you take to improve or maintain your health. It is a necessary component of healthy living and should not be ignored. What are you going to do today to improve your health?


  • Kathleen

    This is spot on! I discuss this a good bit too because self care is so important! I agree with you I think it is the grind culture that often causes people to neglect themselves. Thank you for sharing.

  • Pauline Yapp

    I am very interested in this topic as it resonated with me. I have been having anxiety since pandemic. The worries of what’s coming next got me to start a blog and hoping I will earn some income at home without having to risk my senior mom’s life. My blog is about health, beauty, yoga, and fitness as well; however, I have been pushing myself too hard and staying up late working on it which is stressing me out. I need to get back to self-care. Thank you for the great advice.

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