
How to beat 7 annoying summer stressors

Summer is usually seen as the season of fun and relaxation.

As a teacher, I look forward to the summer break as a time to reflect on the past year and to recharge for the next one.

Unfortunately, even the summertime can become a source of stress due to vacations, frequent events and altered schedules.

In the past, I have experienced summer stress from not having enough to do, job searches, and receiving too many invitations for events.

To help you create a more enjoyable summer, I am providing some simple solutions to beat some of the annoying and most stressful things of the season.

7 annoying summer stressors

The suggested solutions will not work for everyone or every situation. They are simple things to try and consider in order to help you reduce your stress levels.


Ideally, vacations should be relaxing and enjoyable. Unfortunately, vacations often require a lot of planning before, during and afterwards.

Suggested solutions:

  • Expect things to go wrong. Remember that no vacation will be perfect, no matter how much you plan.
  • Delegate responsibilities to other attendees, if possible. One person can choose the hotel, another can plan the activities, etc.
  • If long trips cause a lot of stress, consider taking shorter trips that are more manageable.

Never ending invites to events

Due to the warmer weather and flexible schedules, people tend to host more events during the summer. However, the constant celebrations, barbecues and weddings can be overwhelming on your social calendar and your wallet.

Suggested solutions:

  • Decline the invitation and join the fun next time.
  • If you must attend, plan to stay for a short while and leave when you can. The host will appreciate your presence.

Fear of missing out (FOMO)/Not doing enough

On the flip side, sometimes it can feel like we must have a packed calendar with events and activities everyday during the warmer months.

Although you want to say no, you do not want to miss out on a fun experience.

It does not help when social media is flooded with carefully selected pictures of events and vacations, especially if you were not invited to attend.

Suggested solutions:

  • Unplug for a few hours.
  • Enjoy the downtime. Use this opportunity to catch up on chores, Netflix, etc.

Summer break from school

The summer break can become stressful for parents due to the lack of routine, coordinating childcare and planning daily activities.

Suggested solutions:

  • Create a summer routine that allows for flexibility when necessary.
  • Make a summer bucket list with the family and try to complete it by the end of the summer.

Body insecurity

Leading up to the summer, we are bombarded with “beach body” workouts and diet plans. Although you may be comfortable with your appearance, it is easy to get caught up in the pressure and start to criticize your body and wardrobe.

Suggested solution:

  • Shift mindset to focus on what your body can do instead of what it looks like.

Fun summer foods

Personally, I look forward to the seasonal foods of summer such as barbecue, frozen treats and refreshing drinks.

However, eating these foods on a regular basis can have an impact on the digestive system and the waistline.

Suggested solutions:

  • Consider filling up on protein and veggies first.
  • Take smaller portions of your favorite foods.

Sleep schedule

The warmer weather, traveling and late nights can negatively impact our sleep routines.

Suggested solutions:

  • Maintain your sleep routine.
  • Practice good sleep hygiene.

Other stress solutions

Check out this article for more suggestions.


Despite the relaxing and fun image, the summertime can become a great source of stress. Consider trying the suggested solutions to help you create a more relaxing summer!

How do you manage your stress during the summer?

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