
6 easy ways wellness enthusiasts can live a sustainable lifestyle

Sustainability is a popular word at the moment, especially with the arrival of spring and frequent conversations regarding climate change.

For years, we have heard of different ways of being more environmentally friendly such as turning off the water while brushing our teeth and recycling.

But how can better our planet through our wellness practices?

With Earth Day approaching, I thought it would be a great time to share how a wellness enthusiast like myself lives a more sustainable lifestyle with minimal effort. Below are some of the ways I have made an effort to reduce waste on a daily basis.

After reading this post, you will see how simple it is to improve the environment through a few small changes in your wellness routine.

6 ways for a more sustainable lifestyle

1. Get a refillable water bottle. Like other plastic items, crude oil and water are needed to produce disposable plastic water bottles. Using a reusable bottle significantly reduces the need for these resources and limits the likelihood that it will end up in the garbage. With all of the options on the market, it is virtually impossible to find a water bottle that you like!

2. Use reusable storage bags and wraps for food. Last year, I decided to purchase silicone storage bags for my snacks at work and leftovers in order to avoid using disposable bags when possible. I find that the bags are easy to clean and they are holding up well. However, I would not use them for raw meats or foods with strong flavors. I am considering buying beeswax wrap to wrap food instead of using plastic wrap.

3. Purchase in-season, locally sourced produce. Fruits and vegetables from other parts of the country need to be transported, producing a large carbon output. Also, buying local produce supports the local economy and makes the food more accessible since you do not have to travel as far to get it. I look forward to a new season since I get to switch up my fruits and vegetables for a few months.

A few of items I have invested in over the years

4. Bring your own bags to the grocery store. Pollution created by plastic bags has severely impacted the environment. Aside from the bags ending up in landfills, animals mistake the bags for food causing a multitude of issues for wildlife. In my state, customers must bring their own bags to stores or pay five cents for a paper bag except for restaurant takeout. Although it was an adjustment for me to remember to bring my bags to the store, there are significantly less bags in my house taking up space. Some people also choose to invest in reusable produce bags as well.

5. Opt for reusable utensils and straws made of metal or glass instead of plastic. Similar to plastic bags, plastic straws and utensils pollute the environment and become hazardous for wildlife. I purchased a set of utensils that I use for lunch at work and wash them between uses. In the future, I would like to also use glass meal prep containers instead of the plastic ones I currently use.

6. Invest in sustainable workout clothing, shoes and/or equipment. Check out some clothing brands here and equipment ideas here. Currently, I own an eco-friendly yoga mat and adjustable dumbbells. I would like to invest in sustainable workout clothing in the future.

Final thoughts

These are the ways I live a sustainable lifestyle while maintaining my wellness. Remember, implementing small changes like the ones I discussed today can make a notable impact on our environment tomorrow.

How do you live a sustainable lifestyle through wellness?

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