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13 healthy foods that I always have in my house

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What healthy foods do you have in your house?

As a habitually healthy eater, people often ask how do I always eat so “healthy.” Aside from my learned knowledge about nutrition and discipline, I am strategic about the foods that I keep on my shelves.

Although I have some junk foods in my cabinet, most of the foods in my house are generally on the healthy side, meaning minimally processed, low in calories and/or are rich sources of vitamins and minerals.

Some may argue that some of the processed foods on my list are not exactly healthy. However, not all processed foods are “bad” and the ones mentioned in the post are better than a majority of the processed foods out there. Also, who always has the time to cook from scratch?

If you are still curious, check out the 13 healthy foods I always have in my house along with my recommendations.

Healthy foods in my house


I am a big fan of oatmeal and have a bowl 5 to 6 days a week. I enjoy oatmeal so much that I have to purchase the 10 pound package from Costco. Not only is it a high-volume food, but it is a great base for a great breakfast. I like to eat old-fashioned oats.


Along with my oatmeal, I also enjoy eating eggs on a regular basis. Even though there are concerns about the

Peanut butter

Just like the nut form, peanut butter is a great source of healthy fats. I like adding peanut butter to my oatmeal and greek yogurt as well as spreading it onto a bagel or rice cake.

Tuna pouches

As I stated in this post, tuna pouches are more convenient than canned tuna. They come in different flavors and can be eaten eaten alone or with sliced bread, crackers or a rice cake. My favorite flavor is the “Spicy Thai Chili” from Bumblebee.

Rice cakes

Rice cakes get a bad reputation for being bland and dry. However, they can be a versatile snack when they are flavored or topped creatively. I like to have rice cakes as a pre-workout snack. My favorite flavors are the Tomato Basil and Chocolate from Quaker.

Steam-able veggies

When you need to add a healthy side dish your dinner plate, steam-able vegetables are a quick and easy option. Although boiling water and cooking frozen vegetables is not too laborious, it can be annoying when you are tired or pressed for time. My favorites are the “Broccoli, Carrots & Cauliflower” and “Asian Medley” from Birds Eye.

Frozen fries

Over the past few years, I have grown to like potatoes and enjoy eating them on a regular basis. However, they are time consuming to prepare and cook. Frozen fries have become my fast and simple way to get my potato fix without the extra calories. Keep in mind that not all brands and types of fries are created equal and take the time to read the labels before buying. My favorite fries are the Sweet Potato Fries from Alexia.

Fully cooked chicken breast strips

Having fully-cooked chicken strips in my freezer have repeatedly helped me several times. From helping my meet my protein macros to saving me from starvation because someone ate all the food that I was planning on eating for dinner. They are also another easy way to create a meal in less than 30 minutes. My favorite ones are the Simply Smart Grilled Chicken Breast Strips from Perdue since they are lightly seasoned and lower in sodium compared to other chicken strips. I have also tried the Shortcuts version which is refrigerated.

Plain greek yogurt

As I mentioned in this blog post, greek yogurt is a versatile food that can be eaten as a healthy snack or as an ingredient substitute in both savory and sweet dishes. I normally purchase the plain, non-fat version from Chobani or Fage.


Just like olive oil, regular olives are a great source of healthy fats. I prefer to eat kalamata olives.

Green tea

In the evenings, I like to have a cup of green tea to unwind. Occasionally, I will have matcha green tea in the morning instead of coffee. Green tea is also a great source of flavonoids and l-theanine. I prefer to drink the Bigelow brand.

Not exactly “healthy foods” but worth mentioning

Although sugar-free substitutes have their own set of issues, using sugar-free condiments allows me to eat my favorite foods while maintaining my macros.

Sugar-free syrup

If you did not know, I love breakfast food that requires syrup. Every weekend, I either make pancakes or french toast. However, a regular serving of syrup is about 210 calories and 53 grams of carbs. That is more than a serving of pasta! I do not have a particular favorite at this time. Check out the ones I have tried below.

If you prefer to skip the artificial sweeteners for a natural option, try using a modest serving of maple syrup on your pancakes or waffles instead.

Sugar-free BBQ sauce

I discovered sugar-free barbecue sauce during my first bodybuilding prep. In particular, it was the G. Hughes brand. It was something I saw on several social media pages and I decided to try it out for myself. I have not tried any other brand.

Honestly, this particular product is life-changing. In my opinion, I think it tastes better than regular barbecue sauce. My fiancé also agrees with me. I use this barbecue sauce for dipping and on meat without issue. Personally, I like the Hickory flavor the best.

Final thoughts

These are the 13 healthy foods that I always keep in my house and consider these foods for your next grocery run. For more inspiration, check out this list of foods.

If you want to clean up your diet, clean out your cabinets and take the time to learn about healthier eating and reading nutrition labels.

What healthy foods do you always have in your house?

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