Work-Life Balance

3 habits you should do for a healthier workday

Last month, I transitioned from teaching from home to in-person. The initial transition was somewhat stressful since my classroom was not set up in time and experienced network problems almost everyday while teaching. Thankfully, I am finally in a comfortable routine. Although there are a few things I prefer about teaching from home, it is nice to interact with other people on a daily basis besides my fiancé and work with a live ensemble again.

During my transition back to the workplace, I had to adjust my methodology of maintaining my wellness goals. Even though I did not much to change, I needed to plan out everything since I became comfortable working at home. I did not have to put much thought into things since everything was steps away.

Currently if I go to work and forget something, I would be out of luck for a few hours and would have to run to the store during my break (which doesn’t really exist as a teacher) or wait until I get home. Before the pandemic, this was less of an issue since we have water bottle filling stations and the teacher’s cafeteria provided decent hot and cold options like oatmeal and customizable salads.

Below are some simple ways to create a healthier workday! Continue reading for my personal healthy habits I do at work and other suggestions that may be effective for your workplace.

My personal healthy habits

1. Get a large water bottle. Having a large bottle has come in handy, especially since shared water fountains are not operational for the time being. It also helps that there is a timer on the bottle itself and helps me stay on top of being hydrated. Disclaimer: You will have to pee all of the time.

2. Bring your meals and snacks. I started bringing my lunch seven years ago during student teaching and continued the practice ever since. Originally, I did this to save money. Now, I continue to bring my food since it gives me more control over what I put into my body. Every Sunday, I meal prep and divide my food into containers and place them in one spot in the fridge. I also place my snacks into my lunchbox the night before. Packing my meals in advance allows me to grab and go in the morning, especially since I have to leave for work before 7am.

3. Not bring home my work stress. When I was working from home, I found it difficult to find a balance between work and home since they were literally the same place 24/7. Now that I am traveling to work again, I do my best to leave non-essential tasks and any issues at my job instead of bringing it home.

My water bottle and food for the day

Other workday suggestions

These suggestions do not apply to my personal situation but may be helpful to you.

Decline the break room treats (if that is still a thing). Firstly, if you want the occasional donut or pizza, it’s ok to have it. However, if you eat these treats often enough, you will easily add calories to your day.

Take a break from sitting every 30 minutes. A 2015 Australian study reported lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels in participants who spent time more standing and moving in the course of a week. As a teacher, I am always standing and moving around.

Use the stairs instead of the elevator. When appropriate, try using the stairs instead of the elevator to get extra steps in and your heart rate up.

Take a walk during your lunch break. If you are one of those lucky people who can enjoy a task-free lunch, incorporate a 10-15 minute walk into your routine to get some exercise and fresh air.

Final thoughts

These are some simple ways that I maintain healthy habits at work. If you are returning back to working in-person, feel free to try some of my hacks and other for a healthier workday. If you are an employer, you may want to check out these tips for creating a healthier environment for your employees.

How do you create a healthier workday?


  • Amelia

    These are some great tips! Finding little ways to rest throughout the work day makes a huge difference. It boosts productivity, prevents burnout, and increases long-term success.

  • Dawn Monzu

    Thank you for so many great ideas to get healthier! I’m really trying to get better about moving more but I’m definitely out of shape. It’s hard to get started, but I love this post. Thank you again and keep writing these kick butt posts!

  • Celeste

    These habits will be a good reminder for me, as I will be transitioning back to in-person from working at home this year. I totally agree that there are so many benefits to working from home (not having to commute and deal with traffic, for one). It will be good to get back to see the kids and my colleagues.
    A routine will be good! But for now… summer vacation.
    Thanks for the practical, easy things to do. It just takes a little planning!

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