3 foolish mistakes you’re making with your self-care routine
The importance of self-care became prevalent as a result of the pandemic. As I discussed in this post, self-care is simply “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.”
According to a 2020 research study, almost 40 percent of participants created a new or additional self-care practice while 23 percent started a self-care practice for the first time.
After my experience with job-related burnout, I was forced to make a change to my self-care routine in order to reduce my symptoms and prevent burnout from happening again. Some of the changes I made were to create stronger boundaries between work and home and improve my prioritization skills.
Based on my own experience with creating a self-care routine and observations from other peoples’ routines, I wanted to share the 3 foolish mistakes people make with their self-care routines. If your current self-care routine is not working well, you might be making one of these mistakes…
3 foolish mistakes with self-care
1. You feel guilty about putting yourself first
When you feel guilty about some thing, you’re most likely not going to enjoy it. If you want self-care to work and help you feel better, you have to change your mindset toward it.
It’s okay to do something for yourself. In fact, it is essential! Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Take the time to refill yours before giving to others.
Once you start putting yourself first and realize that the world will not end, you’ll start to enjoy it.
2. You do things that you don’t enjoy.
There’s a misconception that self-care has to be complicated. Self-care is literally taking time for yourself and doing things that you enjoy.
Social media may portray self-care as an extravagant activity. Self-care is a personal thing and it could be as simple or as extra as you want it to be.
If you want to go to an idyllic spa in the wilderness to recharge, go do that. If you would rather take a walk around the block, that’s fine too.
Do things that make you happy and recharge you.
3. You don’t prioritize it.
Like many things, if you don’t think it’s important, you’re not going to make sure it gets done. However, putting off self-care can lead to physical and mental health issues over time.
How many older people do you know have health issues stemming from not taking care of themselves in their 20s and 30s?
Taking time to do something for yourself is not necessarily taking away time from something else. In fact, consistently practicing self-care can make you more productive.
If you want to be your best and most productive self, begin to prioritize taking some time for yourself every day.
Final thoughts
If you believe that your self-care routine is not working well for you, it is possible that you feel guilty about putting yourself first, you are doing things that you do not enjoy, and/or not prioritizing your self-care practice.
All of the mistakes described in this post are related to your mindset toward self-care. If you want to create a sustainable and successful practice, address your perspective now!
Are you making any of these foolish mistakes with your self-care routine? Let me know in the comments below!

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