Tips for healthy eating during the holidays
Even though our holiday gatherings will be smaller than usual, the delicious meals will still be on the table! Despite this joyous time of year, finding a compromise between enjoying yourself and preventing weight gain can create stress and anxiety for some people.
Last Easter, I was in-between bodybuilding competitions and could not enjoy dinner the way I normally would, especially since my mom could COOK. However, I was going back on stage in a few weeks and indulging was not worth ruining my hard work. See the original Instagram post here.
Regardless of your fitness goals, we can all benefit from mindful eating during the holiday season. Continue reading for my tips for healthy eating during the holidays.
1. Drink enough water.
This will help you stay hydrated and stay more satisfied between meals.
2. Eat as you normally would before the occasion.
A balanced meal before going out will reduce your hunger and avoid overeating later.
3. Bring a healthy side dish.
Bringing your own dish may provide some piece of mind about the menu and can encourage others to eat healthier as well!
4. Fill up on veggies and lean protein (unless they are covered in butter or heavy sauces).
Veggies are low in calories and provide essential vitamins while filling you up. Lean protein can help keep you full as well.
5. Eat smaller portions of your favorite foods.
Healthy eating does not mean we should avoid our favorite holiday foods altogether. Smaller portions does not equal less tasty!
6. Take your time eating.
Savoring our meal allows time for your brain to process that the stomach is full.
7. If you choose to drink alcohol, select low-calorie mixers or have them on the rocks.
Liquid calories often get neglected and can easily add hundreds of calories to your meal.
8. Socialize away from the food table to prevent mindless munching.
Being near the table may cause temptation to eat more.
9. If you are preparing the food, lighten up the dishes with healthier substitutions.
Try baking instead of frying and incorporating lower calorie substitutes. Some examples of substitutes are applesauce, egg whites and cauliflower. Check out this post for more suggestions!

Final thoughts
Keep in mind that these tips are not limited to the holidays and feel free to implement any of the tips at your next gathering. How do you eat healthy during the holidays or at family gatherings?

Kayla N Kirkman
I so needed to read this going into the holidays. I have PCOS and try to watch my dairy and gluten intake because it irritates my hormones. I felt a sense of impowerment and ok-ness in going into the holiday season. Does that sound weird? Like the feeling of, “I got this”, “I can stick to my goals and what helps me feel good”.
I’m glad that you found my tips helpful! You got this!
Thanks for sharing these healthy tips. I especially like the idea of socializing away from the food areas – out of sight, out of mind.
You’re welcome! I need to remember that tip this season.
Simple and informative list! I usually do all of these things plus amp up my intermittent fasting during the holidays ๐
Awesome and keep it up!
These are such great tips going into the holiday season! I find it’s always a bit harder for me because I don’t eat meat so it leaves mostly just the indulgent sides. So I have taken to makeing sure we have a beautiful big salad and I eat that first. Ideally, that would give me a nice base so that I eat only smaller snack bites of the artistic sides. Let’s say that is still a work in progress though.
That’s a great idea!
Kathleen Wonders
Very easy yet effective tips! I totally agree with chatting elsewhere. Sometimes being around food makes you want to snack even though you’re already full!
Thanks! Being near the food table is very tempting…