
How to fit exercise into a busy schedule

Welcome to the first post of my "Back to School" series. Although most of us are not going to school, many of our routines are changing due to the end of summer, our children going back to school or job schedule changes. This is a great time to reevaluate your goals and revamp your routines.

Some people wonder how I am able to fit exercise into a busy schedule. A frequent question I get is “How do you always find the time to workout?”

Here’s my secret… I don’t. I make the time.

However, I did not get here overnight. It took some time for me to find ways to fit in exercise between work, graduate school and enjoying the freedom of my twenties.

After years of trial and error, I have discovered a method that allows me to maintain my fitness routine despite my ever-changing schedule. Continue reading for some tips to help you fit exercise into a busy schedule.

Methodology for fitting in exercise

If you are struggling to fit exercise into your day, give these suggestions a try.

1. Determine your fitness goals.

Like other things, committing to something is easier when you establish goals beforehand. Taking the time to think about why you are exercising and creating goals will help you stay motivated and accountable.

Depending on your current health, you may need to be medically cleared before starting a new exercise routine.

2. Based on your goals, select/create a workout program.

Early in my fitness journey, I preferred to work out at home since I did not have a lot of time to dedicate to exercise and was lacking the finances for a gym membership. Now that I have more time and money, I prefer to workout at the gym.

3. Examine your schedule and select a time and duration that would be the easiest commitment.

For me, I like to workout in the afternoon after work for about an hour since I have an early start. Other people like to workout early in the morning before work or at night after the kids have gone to bed. There is no right or wrong time to exercise. Choose the best time for YOU. However, I recommend that your avoid exercise close to bedtime in order to get the best sleep.

In terms of duration, some exercise is better than none at all. If you cannot reach your exercise goal in one session, try breaking it up into multiple sessions throughout the day. Ideally, you should aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.

4. After choosing your program and a time, schedule your workout like an event or meeting.

Seeing it on your calendar or to-do list will help you be more accountable.

5. Plan your workouts ahead of time, whether it is pre-made or self created.

This will save you time and help you stay motivated.

6. Track your progress.

For extra motivation and accountability, use an app or a fitness journal to keep track of your progress.

7. Give yourself a break on your busiest days.

Sometimes, there is too much going on to squeeze in a workout. For example, I feel too drained for a workout after my weekly grad school class and make this my rest day.

Structuring your days off during your busiest days can also limit the guilt that occasionally happens when are not able to get your workout in.

Final thoughts

In order to fit exercise into a busy schedule, you need to establish you goals, find the best workout and time for your needs and get started.

Want more suggestions? Check out this article for more ideas. Now that have found your best time to exercise, check out my tips for creating a sustainable fitness routine.

How do you fit exercise into a busy schedule?


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