5 ways to reduce your stress levels right now
Are you feeling stressed out and do not know where to begin?
Well, I have a few “quick” fixes for you.
If you were not aware, reducing your stress levels is simpler than you think. It does not involve something complicated like taking an idyllic trip to the forest. All you need to do is make some adjustments to your current routine.
Although these suggestions will not cure your chronic stress, here are 5 ways you can reduce your stress levels right now!
5 ways to reduce your stress levels right now
1. Cut your to-do list down.
Although lists can organize our thoughts, long lists can leave us feeling overwhelmed and more likely to procrastinate.
One way that I frequently use is to narrow your list down to the three most important tasks for the day. After writing out your entire list, re-organize the tasks so that the most important things are at the top. If you have more time to do additional things, feel free to get them done.
Some other strategies to cut down your to-do list are to set a time limit, assign due dates and to create a “done” list.
2. Prioritize sleep.
During sleep, the body develops neural pathways to learn and remember information, repair themselves, maintains the immune system and balance hormones like leptin (controls hunger) and insulin (controls blood sugar).
When cortisol levels are elevated, the sleep cycle is disrupted and we wake up feeling tired and groggy.
Develop a bedtime routine and follow it consistently, even if you are not feeling tired.
3. Get proper hydration and nutrition.
Staying hydrated and getting the proper nutrition while stressed can provide the body with the support it needs to manage stress.
However, we either overeat processed foods or skip meals altogether to cope. Additionally, we often do not drink enough water and end up feeling dehydrated.
To combat fatigue, some people over consume caffeine, which raises cortisol levels and affects other hormones that help calm you down. Caffeine is also a diuretic and can increase dehydration symptoms.
Focus on drinking enough water and eating balanced meals containing complex carbs, healthy fats and leafy greens throughout the day.
4. Adjust your workout intensity.
Regular exercise is great for the body and mind. Exercise is also a stressor on the body. This is what helps it grow and change. When we are chronically stressed out, this additional stress can intensify stress symptoms.
During these times, consider adjusting your exercise routine so your body can effectively manage the stress. Suggested workouts to try are low impact routines such as steady state cardio like walking and yoga instead of HIIT or other intense training.
Another consideration is to switch your morning workout to the afternoon. Cortisol levels (the stress hormone) is the highest after we wake up.
5. Incorporate a stress-reducing supplement.
Incorporating a stress-reducing supplement like magnesium or ashwagandha can help the body feel more relaxed and easier to manage stress by regulating cortisol levels.
Adding one of these supplements for stress in conjunction with stress management strategies may improve your physical and mental well-being.
As always, please consult your doctor before introducing supplements into your diet.
Five ways you can reduce your stress levels quickly include cutting down your to-do list, prioritizing sleep, getting proper hydration and nutrition, adjusting your workout intensity and incorporating a stress-reducing supplement.
These suggestions will not completely eliminate your stress, but will make it easier to manage for a short period of time.
If you are ready for long-term solutions for your stress, check out my e-book Banish the Burnout or my coaching service, Slay the Stress.
What do you do to reduce your stress levels quickly? Let me know in the comments below!